Sunday, July 22, 2012

Global Warming

Gather round this lovely fire pit and tell spooky global warming tales to the kids.

The Third Rock Fire Pit can be yours for just under $1500.

It would also be a perfect way to roast hotdogs at the Sherwin Williams Paint employee picnic.

I think I prefer it without the fire...

Friday, July 20, 2012

Cover the Earth

My family was on the road last week and passed a whole slew of these Sherwin Williams Paint trucks.

This has to be one of the more disturbing advertising campaigns I've ever seen from a paint company. I suspect a James Bond villain may be running SWP.

Smothering the earth in blood also makes me think of Susan's and my guilty pleasure show: True Blood - which has more blood than either of us can really handle. Those vampires are messed up and Sookie should get some sense.

We both think Sookie should stick with Alcide Herveaux - the something-for-everyone werewolf.
Obviously, I prefer Alcide in his wolf phase.

But I got nothin' good to say about True Blood werepanthers... they are bad kitties.

I think Stuart might be a werepanther...that would explain the evil...

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hot Dog on the 4th of July

Boy#1 and Boy#2 are at summer camp. I am not. They promised to bring back stinky BWCA/Quetico goodness. After portaging canoes, maybe they won't complain so much about long dog walks.

Not that there isn't a lot to complain about this week with temps cracking 100 here in Minnesota. The humidity is thick and the morning breezes remain wimpy so it makes sweating species pretty unhappy. Panting is tougher too as this technique also relies on evaporation to be effective. But I make do.

My Susan is a little crazy with time with her family numbers so depleted. So we have been hitting the walks to the tune of 5-6 miles each morning. Today, we hit day five of this inspired routine - which is way longer than Susan's normal attention span. I think she is also picturing the elevations of their upcoming trip to Glacier National Park (I get to go to the dog spa for the two weeks).

Today was so hot and humid that we saw only one other dog out along West River Road. It was moving slow. There were plenty of cyclists - including Dave - who generate their own breezes. The joggers looked more pained than usual.

The key to survival in the heat is, of course, lots of water. Not immersion in water - that is a horrible idea. Minneapolis parks often have these torture areas:

Those spraying spigots are terrifying. But the baby primates seem to love them. Luckily dogs are not allowed in wading pools so Susan doesn't get any stupid ideas.

I prefer my water lapped up.

Check out this very civilized dog water fountain
at Wabun Park in Minneapolis!

Stay cool and have a happy 4th of July!